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Let's Talk About Women's Pelvic Health

Writer's picture: Ezgi AydınEzgi Aydın

People keep talking about the importance of pelvic health, pelvic muscles, and Kegels but how many of us know what a pelvic floor is? Pelvic floor muscles are like a hammock to your body carrying your bladder, bowels, and uterus. Unlike your body on a hammock, those muscles should not be relaxed. The reason for that is a weak pelvic floor can cause your urine to leak, not be able to relax even after multiple visits to the toilet, and pain. So how can you keep your pelvis healthy?

pelvic floor hammock

What is pelvic health?

Pelvic health refers to the overall well-being of the pelvic region which includes your bladder, uterus, and ovaries. It gives you the support your organs need so you should support it as well. A healthy pelvis has a positive effect on multiple parts of a woman's life such as physical, mental, and sexual health. Therefore, a healthy pelvic make both your body and mind healthy.

Why is pelvic health important for women?

Now that you know what a healthy pelvis is, it is time to learn why you should be careful about your pelvic health. The pelvic floor is responsible for a variety of functions, including bowel movements, urination, pregnancy, and delivery. On top of all of that, your pelvis affects you’re your joints and mobility. If you are experiencing hip, lower back, and knee pain there is a possibility that it can be caused by your pelvis.

In most cases, an unhealthy pelvis can cause urine incontinence. For those of you who don’t know what it is urine incontinence is when you lose control of your bladder. You can have problems such as urine leaking or not making it into the toilet in time. Many women use pantyliners when they leak urine, but this is not a solution. In most cases, it negatively affects their self-esteem and mental health. Pelvic health is a topic that can be difficult to talk about, but to solve the problem you must learn about it first. We strive to make women feel comfortable because a healthy pelvic leads to improved quality of life.

pelvic health

Here comes the women's pelvic health facts

Here are 5 pelvic health facts that will teach you everything you need to know about pelvic health. Beware some of them may surprise you.

Kegels, is it for everyone?

Before we dive into the wonderful world of Kegels let’s learn about its history. It was invented by a gynecologist named Arnold Kegel in 1948, he wanted to treat the symptoms caused by weak pelvic muscles. This exercise helps strengthen pelvic floor muscles which can help you control the release of urine, feces, and flatus. They are also important for sexual relationships as pelvic floor muscles play an important role in both men's and women's sexual function.

Yes, it has many benefits but not for everyone, people who have tight pelvic floor muscles are not recommended Kegels. If you do them on tired muscles, it can have no effect at all.

The devil works hard but your pelvic muscles work harder (during pregnancy)

Pregnancy can have a negative impact on pelvic health because other than your organs they support the weight of a baby as well. In the meantime, it changes density and becomes softer. During childbirth, these muscles will most certainly be impacted. That is why women who have recently given birth have problems with weight gain, pelvic pain, and urinary tract infections. There are ways to mitigate these effects, including by exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet. If you need additional help, gynecologists, pelvic floor physical therapists, and pelvic floor radiologists work together to help optimize your pelvic health.

pelvic health exercises

What is it that you feel working? Your pelvic muscles of course!

Here is a fun fact: You can feel the pelvic floor muscles working when you do Kegels. Finding and working the pelvic floor muscles can be difficult, but with practice, it becomes easier. When you do it right you will know which is good because having healthy pelvic muscles can affect your overall health. The pelvic floor muscles play a role in supporting the spine and controlling pressure inside the abdomen. Therefore, it can help maintain your balance and posture.

The worst kind of surprise: Urinary incontinence

Pelvic floor dysfunction and pelvic organ prolapse are conditions that can lead to urinary incontinence. In summary, you lose control of your bladder it is because your pelvic muscles were the thing that gave you control. Now that those muscles are weak your body experiences urine leakage and not being able to hold it until you make it to the bathroom. You can in fact gain that control back by strengthening those muscles, by doing Kegels and physical therapy.

Women are not the only ones with a pelvic floor

Unlike common misconceptions, men have a pelvic floor as well. The pelvic floor muscles support a man's bladder and bowel. The anatomy might be different, but the function is still the same, they help to control urination and bowel movements and provide sexual function. Pelvic floor disorders in men can lead to problems such as urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, and pelvic organ prolapse. Pelvic floor muscles need to be kept strong for optimal health.

One of the most common pelvic floor dysfunctions in men is prostatitis. On average it affects 10-15% of men. It does come with treatment, in some cases, antibiotics can fix the issue but when it doesn’t you must see a physical therapist.

pelvic health exercises

We need to talk about it

Some topics are seen as taboo, like pelvic muscles. No one talks about them, but they are a part of us. It is only natural for us to want to talk and learn about the wonders of our bodies. Yes, these facts are not always pretty but here at Triwi we want you to learn about the messy parts of your body as well. Hope this blog was helpful, never feel ashamed of the natural things your body does. You can always check out more blogs to learn interesting facts like these ones.

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