Coping with Breast Cancer For Survivors | Triwi Global
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FREE Guide:
How Do You Stay Strong With Breast Cancer?

A guide for breast cancer survivors and their loved ones:

  • How to mentally fight breast cancer?

  • How to care for a breast cancer fighter?

Health Journaling Guide: Welcome

Hi, We Are Founders of Triwi

Mom & Daughter

Here at Triwi Global, we know that supporting each other is the key message to the community. A little support from one woman to another can change the world! Since 2018, we are designing technologies and services for women with women. Our core business is giving strength to a woman by guidance to touch and listen to the small signs their body gives.

Health Journaling Guide: Who We Are

Breast Cancer Patients Experience a Wide Range of Feelings




Health Journaling Guide: Liste

Breast cancer doesn't come with a manual.
But we do!

In this guide, a survivor or a survivor supporter can find: 

Tips to apply after a breast cancer diagnosis.

Tips to cope with radiotherapy.

Tips to care for a breast cancer fighter.

Health Journaling Guide: List

We are here to help you win this fight

Learn how to stay strong

Remember cancer does not define you

You are not alone, ask for help when you need it

Protesto poz
Health Journaling Guide: Features

Free Guide for Coping With Breast Cancer

Triwi's free guide aims to assist breast cancer patients and their families in their journey.

Health Journaling Guide: Başlık
Image by National Cancer Institute

With this guide, you will:

👍🏻 Learn what can assist you after a breast cancer diagnosis.
👍🏻 Learn the radiation therapy process
👍🏻 Learn how to cope with breast radiotherapy
👍🏻 Learn how you can help a cancer-stricken loved one.

Health Journaling Guide: Hoş Geldiniz

Breast cancer is not only a physical but a mental battle as well

We will guide you through it

Image by madison lavern

Don't forget to take care of your body

Know that it is okay to feel sad

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Kendini sev

Take time for yourself

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