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5 Common Myths About Breast Health You Need to Stop Believing

Updated: Feb 22, 2023

Breast health is an important element of people's overall health. Unfortunately, there are various myths and misconceptions about breast health that might keep us from taking the required precautions.

These myths can cause us to be confused and anxious, making it difficult for us to make educated decisions about breast health. In this blog post, we will debunk five popular breast health myths that you should stop believing.

We believe that by dispelling these myths, we can give you accurate information regarding your breast health, allowing you to make informed decisions and take control of your breast health.

Let's dive in!

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breast health

Myth Number 1: Breast Cancer Only Happens to Women

While breast cancer is more common in women, men can also develop breast cancer. In fact, according to the American Cancer Society, about 2,800 new cases of invasive breast cancer in men will be diagnosed.

Breast cancer in men is uncommon, accounting for fewer than 1% of all cases. It is, nonetheless, a major problem, and men should be aware of their risk factors and take precautions to safeguard their breast health.

Age, a family history of breast cancer, radiation exposure, excessive estrogen levels, and a rare genetic disorder known as Klinefelter syndrome are all risk factors for breast cancer in men.

Men, like women, should undertake frequent breast self-exams and seek medical attention if they observe any changes or abnormalities in their breast tissue. If their doctor feels it necessary, men may also undergo breast cancer screening procedures such as mammography or breast ultrasound.

Not only men but people think breast cancer happens to only older women. Breast cancer is more common in older women, although it can strike women of any age, including those in their twenties and thirties. Women of all ages should conduct regular breast self-exams and get screened according to their doctor's recommendations.

No matter the age, gender, or race, we all want healthy breasts. And Triwi is here to help with that!

Self-breast exams are important because they can help you identify any changes or abnormalities in your breasts that may be a sign of a potential problem. By performing regular self-exams and doing breast care, you can become familiar with the normal look and feel of your breasts and be more likely to notice any changes that may occur.

breast cancer

Myth Number 2: If There's No Family History of Breast Cancer, You Don't Need to Worry About It

While having a family history of breast cancer increases your risk of developing the disease, the majority of people who develop the disease have no family history.

Regardless of family history, everyone should undertake frequent breast self-exams and get checked for breast cancer as suggested by their doctor.

According to the American Cancer Society, about 85% of breast cancers occur in women who have no family history of breast cancer. These occur due to genetic mutations that happen as a result of the aging process and life in general, rather than inherited mutations.

Everyone, regardless of family history, should prioritize their breast health by performing regular breast self-exams and getting checked for breast cancer as their doctor recommends.

Breast self-exams can help people become more comfortable with their breasts' usual appearance and feel, making it simpler to notice changes or abnormalities.

Furthermore, screening procedures such as mammography, clinical breast exams, and breast ultrasound can discover breast cancer early on when it is more curable.

Early detection saves lives.

breast cancer myths

Myth Number 3: Wearing An Underwire Bra or Deodorant Can Cause Breast Cancer

There is no scientific evidence to support the allegation that underwire bras or deodorant promote breast cancer. In truth, the American Cancer Society claims that there is no link between wearing a bra (of any kind) and breast cancer.

So you don't have to go braless or walk around sweating. This is a very old myth that has been debunked by research.

For example, a 2014 study published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers Prevention discovered that bra-wearing practices, such as underwire or average hours worn, were not connected with an elevated risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women.

Don't let myths about underwire bras and deodorant discourage you from taking care of your breast health. Join our waitlist today and be one of the first to experience the groundbreaking technology of breast care with the Smart Bra.

breast cancer myths mammograms

Myth Number 4: Mammograms Are Unsafe and Painful

Screening tests might be uncomfortable, although they are rarely painful. Furthermore, the advantages of having mammography greatly outweigh any transient discomfort.

Mammograms are an important tool for detecting breast cancer early. They create images of the breast tissue using low-dose X-rays, which can detect changes or anomalies that may suggest the existence of breast cancer.

Mammograms, according to the American Cancer Society research, can discover breast cancer at an early stage, before any symptoms appear, boosting the odds of successful treatment and recovery.

Radiation levels in screening tests are low and non-harmful with today's modern technology. Current mammography technology is meant to make the procedure as painless as possible. You may choose to schedule a mammogram at a different time because breasts might be sensitive just before or after menstruation.

Technology is on our side to help with our breast health. Accompanying mammograms, Triwi Smart Bra aims to make breast health easy.

It reminds you of the right checkup day based on your menstrual cycle and allows you to take notes during the control, so the next time you decide to ensure the health of your breasts, you won't have to do it alone!

breast health myths

Myth Number 5: If a Lump is Cancerous, Mastectomy is The Only Option

This is a common misconception that can cause unnecessary fear and anxiety. Breast lumps, cysts, mastitis, and painful breasts can occur in many women. Knowing what is normal, how to conduct a breast check, and when to see your doctor if you are worried about changes to your breasts is important.

But, first of all:

What is Mastectomy?

Mastectomy surgery is a surgical breast cancer treatment that involves the removal of one or both breasts, either completely or partially, to cure or prevent breast cancer. The amount of mastectomy is determined by the stage of cancer and the patient's wishes.

There are different types of mastectomy surgeries:

Total or Simple Mastectomy

In this surgery, the entire breast is removed, including the nipple and areola.

Modified Radical Mastectomy

In this surgery, the entire breast, including the nipple and areola, is removed along with some of the axillary lymph nodes.

Radıcal Mastectomy

In this surgery, the entire breast, including the nipple and areola, the underlying chest muscle, and the axillary lymph nodes are removed.

Double Mastectomy

This surgery involves the removal of both breasts.

While mastectomy surgery is a popular therapy for breast cancer, it is not the only choice. The optimum treatment for breast cancer is determined by a number of criteria, including the kind and stage of cancer, the size and location of the tumor, and the patient's overall health.

It's critical to have an open and honest discussion with your doctor about the best course of action for your individual scenario. The goal of treatment is to eliminate the malignancy while preserving as much breast tissue as feasible.

There is no need to feel that mastectomy is the sole option for breast lumps, especially with developments in medical technology and a wide range of therapeutic options available.

Join our waitlist for the Smart Bra today to take control of your breast health and ensure the earliest possible detection of breast cancer.

breast health

Triwi: Your Guide to Breast Health

By wearing Triwi Smart Bra, you can take control of your breast health and detect any abnormalities early on, when they are most treatable. Sign up for our waitlist today and be one of the first to experience this game-changing technology. Together, we can work towards a world without breast cancer.

Don't you forget, breast self-exam is important!

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Новини важлива складова нашого життя, без них не проходить жодного дня, саме завдяки новинам, ми з вами можемо дізнаватися про всі актуальні та важливі події. За допомогою якісного новинного порталу, я можу більше дізнаватися про новини бізнесу, що на сьогоднішній день неаби як важливо, особливо з урахуванням того, що сектор бізнесу зазнає частих змін. Їх матеріали найкращі на теренах України, розлогі та інформативні, журналісти новинного порталу роблять свою справу бездоганно, таких статей я в своєму житті ніколи не бачив, все настільки пропрацьовано, що навіть незнайомі тематики стають зрозумілими. Якщо казати загалом про портал, то я його рекомендую всім, бо кращого годі і шукати.

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