The time has come... In a few weeks, we will start to see more and more ads on Facebook and Instagram about tips to lose weight quickly. Also, we will soon hear a lot of people saying "I quit bread and carbs, you can't believe how much weight I lost" and "You need to quit carbs in order to lose weight.". Would obesity become an epidemic if losing weight is possible only by quitting carbs? Does bread really have an effect on losing or gaining weight? What is so special about bread? Do we really need to quit "bread" in order to lose weight? Let's give a look at these questions.
Even nutritionists won't erase bread from the list

If you go to a nutritionist now, the first thing they ask will be about your eating habits. Do you feel full or hungry most of the time? Do you often say "I get hungry a lot" or "I binge eat at night because I get hungry all the time"? If you do, if you don't have a condition or eating disorder related to a disease or a satisfactory habit, a lot of the time your nutritionist will assume that you consume fewer calories than you should or get calories that are not making you full for a long time. For this reason, they will prepare a very surprisingly full diet for you to feel full the whole time. A lot of the time, they can add bread to the list because bread is actually a great source of carbohydrates and fiber. Even though a lot of people call bread as "unhealthy", we disagree. Yes, white bread is full of starch and refined sugar but there is another great source, whole-grain bread, and derivatives.
Bread is great for your gut health

It doesn't matter to which bakery you go, you can always find delicious and assorted bread species. Prof. Dr. Salim Sezgin Ünal stated that a lot of bread species actually contain a lot of vitamins and healthy macro and micronutrients. He added that it also supports our bowel movements. He also told that a lot of the time, he suggests his elder patients switch to whole-grain bread. When consumed regularly, whole grain bread can also help patients with hemorrhoids or bowel problems and pushed their comfort.
Bread can make you feel full for a longer time

Bread with rye, whole grain, or whole can make consumers full longer time than white bread. This might be the reason why a lot of nutritionists love to add bread to their diet. As it can be digested easily, it can also regulate blood sugar levels which supports self-control during overeating episodes. Especially rye bread is suggested to diabetic patients because rich fiber can regulate blood sugar more easily than white bread.
Different bread species contain a lot of vitamins
As mentioned above, especially cornbread has a lot of proteins when compared to other species. As well as macronutrients, it also contains a lot of magnesium and other vitamins which are very good for efficient bowel movements, digestion, and regulation of high cholesterol.
Rye Bread Recipe

1/2 cup of warm milk
1 cup of warm water
1/2 teaspoon of salt
7 gr of dry yeast
5 tablespoons of sunflower seed
3 cups of rye flour
2 tablespoons of water
2 tablespoons of olive oil
The Recipe:
Mix 1 cup of rye flour, dry yeast, 5 tbs of sunflower seed, and salt in a casserole. Then add water, milk, and the rest of the flour and knead Doug until it doesn't stick to your hand.
Cover up and wait for 30-35 minutes until it rises. After it expands, take pieces and roll them to put on the tray.
Ice it with the topping and add more seeds to give it a nice look.
Bake it in a pre-heated (180 Celsius) oven for 30 minutes.
Here you go!
Interesting article. I agree that there’s definitely a place for bread in your diet - though I have to ensure I only eat wheat free breads - there’s still many varieties though.